I started my journey through the world of Final Fantasy late last night after a few hours imbibing some high alcohol beers, which really helped to dull the monotony of hundreds of random battles. The random encounter rate of this game is ridiculously high. I mean, you can walk about three steps before you run into another enemy. I will admit that this version of the game, the Game Boy Advanced version, is way easier than the original. Nonetheless, it does take an amazing amount of patience and a good memory for the world map to navigate the first challenges of the storyline.
I remembered this portion of the game from previous plays. I have probably played through this series of events so many times, yet I never really got much further. The events I am referring to are mainly a bunch of fetch quests. After saving the princess and defeating the pirates in Provoka, you will acquire their ship and gain access to a much greater scope of the world map. From there, you will find a sleeping elf prince who can only be revived by the jolt tonic. In order to acquire the jolt tonic, you have to return the crystal eye to a witch named Maedula or something like that, but to get the crystal eye, you have to first get the crown for the king in the Western Keep. After exploring the depths of the marsh cave and acquiring the crown, the king will reveal himself to be Astos, the dark elf. When you kill him, you get the crystal eye. When you return it to the witch, you get the jolt tonic. After you awaken the elf prince, he will give you the mystic key! There are locked doors in pretty much every location you have visited so far that can only be unlocked by the mystic key, so this means, now, you will revisit every castle, town, and dungeon you have previously explored. Finally, when you revisit the very first castle, you will receive some nitro powder. The nitro powder must be taken to the dwarves where they will blow open a section of the continent near their cave, allowing you to explore further out into the world map.
Wow, thats a lot of shit...
Anyway, at this point it was about 2am and my brain was becoming dominated by the amount of alcohol flowing through my system. To be honest, I couldn't really remember where to go next or what to do. So with my characters up to level 20, I retired. I know that next I need to save one of the crystals, but I can't remember which one.